Monday 18 June 2012

A New Website!

I heard people say it all the time - "You have to do something you are passionate about!" I never believed this statement until recently. I always thought a job is a job. Just find something that pays well and do it. What's the big deal, right?

After working various of jobs that I was not "passionate" about, I was left to find my real passion, and then do that. This is why I'm a photographer - because I truly am passionate about it. I love it. For me photography is the kind of work that I am excited to do, and I could continue to do all day and all night if I wasn't reminded by my wife to take a break and eat something.

It is my dream to work with other people who are passionate about photography as well. I love when people are willing to the take time to create amazing photos, even when the hours are long and sun is hot.

For me, one of the best things about doing photography is that I have an incredible wife who is gifted in this area as well. She is often the "second shooter" at most of my wedding shoots and usually has just the right advice when I find myself stumped on what to do in a particular situation. Together, we work hard to give our clients an amazing wedding experience by creating photographs that they will be thankful to have for the rest of their lives.

With all of that being said, I am excited to share with you the new website that Judith and I have been working on together. In a way, it marks the beginning our venture into the world of full-time professional photography. Enjoy!